Second blog post- Summer holiday roundup
I DID NOTHING I SAID I WOULD LMAO. The doll parts are very much not printed, this site is still broken and I've basically done nothing but sit on my ass. I did kinda fix's javascript tho.
I did a
fairly large animation project on my youtube channel, which I'm quite proud of. The Kiki's delivery service animation is getting there slowly and I've started work on a new Trixiepalooza animation for Trixiepalooza 3. You know, technically I'm writing this on the first of September but does it really matter? It's not like anyone reads these anyways.
In other news, I have found no enthusiasm to animate, making my crappy little youtube channel way behind on it's uploads. I think I've finally gotten to the point where I have too many hobbies? I'm looking to join cadets, and that along with 3d+2d animation, css, python, html, climbing, art and doll making, I think I might reach a limit at some point. However, that day has not come yet so I will keep doing as I do. I'm currently working on a little re-animated scene from Kiki's delivery service, which looks pretty good so far.
I also need to print the parts for the doll, but I really cannot be arsed with the 3d printer right now.
aside from all that, we may be going to Cornwall for about a week, which will be nice. I've only been once and I don't remember any of it. So it'll be a chance to venture outside of the 2 villages and 2 towns I usually traverse in.
I also... I also put posters of that one egg from puss in boots all around my village and the facebook page found it :3.